Super Dicts

class DropNoneDict(map_: Mapping = Ellipsis, *, none_condition: Any = None, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

A dictionary that will automatically drop values of None.

  • map – A Mapping to be used to instantiate the dictionary.

  • none_condition – What value gets auto-dropped? Defaults to None.

  • kwargs – The kwargs representing key-val pairs to put in the dict.

none_if(value: Any, none_val: Any = Ellipsis, *, plug_in: Callable = Ellipsis, plug_out: str = Ellipsis) Any
Changes a value to the correct “None” value of the containing dict if it meets specified


  • value – The value that is being tested.

  • none_val – The value that should also be “None”.

  • plug_in – A function that should be enacted on the value if it is not “None”.

  • plug_out – A function of the value, which should be called (without arguments) and the result of which should be returned if the value is not “None”.

update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from dict/iterable E and F.

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

class ListDict(key_function: Callable, values: Iterable = Ellipsis)

Bases: list

A list that sort of acts like a dictionary…

  • key_function – The function that should be called on each item to get its appropriate key.

  • values – The values that should be put in the list.

append(obj) None

Append an item…

extend(iterable: Iterable) None

Extend with an iterable…

get(key: str | Tuple[str, int], default: Any | None = None) Any

Gets an item from the ListDict by key. Will not raise an exception if the key does not exist, but will instead return default.

  • key – If this is a str, will attempt to find an item with a matching key. If this is a tuple consisting of a str and an int (n), will attempt to find items with matching keys, then return the nth element with a matching key.

  • default – The default value to return if requested key does not exist.


The item at the desired key or - should the key not be found - default.

index(value, start: int = Ellipsis, stop: int = Ellipsis) int

Find the index of a value in the ListDict…

insert(index: int, obj) None

Insert a value into the ListDict…

items() Iterable

Get an iterable of the keys and values of the ListDict…

keys() Iterable

Get an iterable of the keys of the ListDict…

pop(key: str | int | Tuple[str, int] = Ellipsis) Any
Pops an item from the ListDict. Will raise an exception if the item index cannot be



key – If this is a str, will attempt to find an item with a matching key. Will raise an exception if it cannot be located. If this is an int, normal list indexing rules will be used to search. If this is a tuple consisting of a str and an int (n), will attempt to find items with matching keys, then return the nth element with a matching key. If omitted, the last item in the list will be returned.


The item at the desired key/index, will also delete from the list.

remove(value) None

Remove a value…

values() Iterable

Get an iterable of the values of the ListDict…

Indices and tables